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Our Aronia Berry Products

The bio-availability of aronia berries is maximized through our patented, processing system. This system preserves valuable compounds such as resveratrol, polyphenols, and anthocyanins, which are often destroyed by conventional processing methods. Our products deliver the whole-nutrient profile of the aronia berry in optimal form to you to boost the performance of your immune system and increase intracellular glutathione.

Our berries are always organic, 18 brix* or higher and no sugar added! We strive to offer the highest quality berries. With a higher brix* level, you will not have a tart or sour taste when consuming our products.

*Degrees Brix (symbol °Bx) is the sugar content of an aqueous solution.

Our mission

is to restore and maintain health by utilizing the entire nutrient profile of the aronia berry through our patented processing system.

We strive to help people reach their greatest health potential through our variety of aronia berry products.

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